Children's Ministry Resumed September 11th
Fall Wooden Flowers Class - September 21st
The class, led by local artist Mary Noordyk, will be hosted at Hope on Saturday, September 21st from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. The cost is $30, including a vase, and you will take your flowers home. The registration form with your check made out to Mary Noordyk can be given to Kay Yanke or left on the desk in the church office. Payment must be made by September 14th to reserve a seat. Questions can be directed to Kay at # (920)410-8120 or Mary Noordyk at # (906)235-8554.
Roadside Cleanup: September 27th
The Fall roadside cleanup will be Friday, September 27. We will meet at the church at 9:00am. See Jim Holbrook with questions.
Looney Lutherans - December 20
The Campanile Center in Minocqua is featuring a Christmas Show featuring the Looney Lutherans on Friday December 20th at 7:00pm. The Looney Lutherans is a comedy group of three women from Minnesota that used to be a part of the Church Basement Ladies. They appeared last Spring at the Campanile and were hilarious! Through skits and songs this group lovingly satirizes some of our beloved Lutheran traditions. If we have enough people wanting to attend this show, we can get a 10% discount. This reduces the of cost of each ticket to $32.00. Tickets will go quickly so check your holiday calendars and make plans to join in the fun! Please contact Jim and/or Vicky Holbrook to get on the list for this fun outing.
Craft Club
The Craft Club meets the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00am-Noon at Hope. Bring whatever you want to work on or just join us for coloring, conversation and fellowship. Members, friends and the community at large are welcome to attend this ongoing event. The group will continue to meet throughout the year. Come check us out and bring a friend!
Elders Meet on September 29th
The Board of Elders will meet on Sunday, September 29, following Fellowship. Please have read the article by the Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison on "Close Closed Close[d] Communion."
Faith Comes by Hearing
Faith Comes by Hearing has come alongside the worldwide translation community in a movement to ensure that everyone on Earth has access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a format they can understand. An estimated 1,200 oral language groups have waited thousands of years to receive the Scriptures. Many will never obtain the written Word of God, but they can still hear the saving truth of the Gospel - thanks to Oral Bible Translation. Our goal: To work in partnership to see that the Word of God is recorded and freely provided in every language that needs it. If you're interested in supporting the work of Faith Comes by Hearing, a gift box marked Faith Comes by Hearing is on the shelves in the Narthex. Thank you for your prayers and donations to ensure that every language has Scripture by the year 2033!
Volunteers Needed for Snow Removal
The Trustees need a couple volunteers for removing snow from the walkway and entrances on a rotational basis this winter. A snowblower is available for the walkway. Please see Bob Vogt if you are able and willing to be added to the rotation. A schedule will be provided to all volunteers and changes can be made when scheduling conflicts arise. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed for Meals
Meals or snacks are needed from time-to-time for members who are ill or home from the hospital. If you are willing to help, please contact Melody Krugler. Thank you!
Fellowship Needs Volunteers
A big thank you to those who have donated food, and to those who have set up, heated and set out food, served and cleaned up in order for all of us to enjoy a time of fellowship together each week. To keep this much appreciated tradition going, more volunteers are needed. If you can serve on a team of two to take care of the setup, heating food and serving, please contact Nancy Vogt at (414)531-3411 or email bobandnancy4813@gmail.com. Training will be provided and you will serve no more than once per month. If you can help by bringing food or with clean-up/dishes, please do so as you are able. Thank you! “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42
Altar Flowers - $30 per Bouquet
Kay Yanke is the altar flower coordinator. If you would like to sponsor flowers, please sign up on the posted sheet on the Narthex bulletin board, and place your information and your check in an envelope and place it in Kay’s mailbox. The cost of one bouquet is $30.
Greeter Ministry Volunteers
We are looking for individuals/couples/ families who would willing to welcome worshipers as they enter our church building, answer any questions and make them feel welcome. We ask that you be at your post by 9:05 AM. We will provide some helps for you. You will be scheduled at your convenience. If interested, please talk with Melody Krugler or Pastor. Thank you!
DVD Lending Library
Over the past several years, the congregation has purchased or received as gifts a variety of excellent Christian movies for children and adults. We are making these DVD's available for our members to check out and use at home. In an effort to keep track of these dvds/videos, we ask that when you select an item to borrow, you please fill out the card attached to it and place the card in the designated box on the library shelf. We encourage you to keep them for only one week and then return them to the Library “Return Basket.” This system will hopefully help us to be good stewards in using these resources and being accountable for their whereabouts. ENJOY!
Headwaters Food Pantry Focus of the Month:
September: Kleenex /Toilet Tissue